The River Conference of the Free Methodist Church

The River Conference has pioritized FM Missions projects for 2025. We encourage you to begin a partnership with one or more of these ministers.

Africa Partners


Great Commission Bible College

Lilongwe, Malawi

The Great Commission Bible College is the center for theological and vocational training for the FMC of Malawi. Led by Dr. Principal Ben Kalukusha, the Bible college provides all of the courses for credentialling for FM pastors as well as coordinating ongoing vocational training because most congregations are not able to financially support their pastors, so most must have a vocational skill to support their families. The Bible College is located in Lilongwe and hosts students in 5 week modules. Due to the extreme poverty, the Bible College raises funds that provide for the education, transportation, and accommodations of its students. The Bible College is nearly 50 years old, and has ongoing maintenance and constuction projects as well. Dr. Kalukusha speaks English and Chechewa, and has a Ph.D in Theology. He is a brilliant theologian and fantastic communicator. He is looking for partners to help support:
1. the cost of students to attend
2. the ongoing maintenance of the facility
3. the cost of upgrading the campus so that wifi is available (this also allows distance education)
4. the cost of getting Bibles and training materials in Chechewa.
5. The development of a community based FM pastor training program 

Superintendent Ronald Chimkonde

Malawi Central Annual Conference

Superintendent Ronald Chikongde is the Superintendent of the central district of the FMC of Malawi.  He leads a conference of about 30 churches, centered around the nation’s capital, Lilongwe.  Superintendent Ronald also leads a local church and is a gifted communicator.  He is seeking churches to partner with him to provide discipleship and leadership materials, and Bibles in Chechawa.  

Superintendent Maxwell Kadzuwa

Malawi Northern Annual Conference

Supt. Maxwell Kadzuwa is leads the northern district of the FMC of Malawi.  Supt. Traylor has known Supt Kadzuwa personally for 20 years. He is a strong leader in the smallest and most rural of the districts (about 20 churches), with the key center being Mzuzu.  Supt. Kadzuwa is in his first year of superintendency following the sudden death of a long-serving Supt.  Maxwell is an enthusiastic learner.  He speaks both English and Chechawa and is looking for churches to partner with him to provide discipleship materials, Bibles, and support for pastoral training.
Woman’s Conference in the Northern Malawi Conference of the FMC

Superintendent E. Goodson Phiri

Malawi Southern Annual Conference

Superintendent Emson Goodson Phiri leads the Southern conference of the FMC of Malawi.  The Southern region is the most populous area of Malawi, with the city of Blantyre as its center.  The Southern region/conference has nearly 40 churches, most are in rural areas.  The Rural areas lack basic infrastructure of running water, electricity, and phone service.  While most pastors have cell phones, most members do not.  The predominant ministries of the conference is the evangelism training, Pastoral training, Women’s gathering, vocational training, and youth events.  

Supt Phiri speaks English and Chechewa and is looking for churches to partner with his conference to provide discipleship curriculum and tools, supply funds for Chechewa Bibles. He is a dynamic young leader and an enthusiastic worshipper.  

The Southern Conference Annual conference in August 2024. The Southern Conference has more women in the ministry track with 3 lead pastors, and several CMC’s.
FM church and conference headquarters in Blantyre, Malawi.

Asia Partners


“Some workers serve in countries that are considered creative access, countries in which the public proclamation of the gospel is restricted. Evangelistic efforts in these countries can pose dangers to one’s life, well-being or freedom.” Urbana for God’s Global Mission. Creative Access workers are involved in education, leadership development, discipleship and micro-enterprise.

For our Asia ministry partners, be sure to reference these guidelines for communicating about and with these ministries.

Download the Creative Access Guidelines

Richard & Sheila Dickinson

Asia ̶ U.S. Based Partners


Richard and Sheila Dickinson have served the FM Church in various capacities: pastoring, church planting, and serving as missionaries. Their ministry experience spans six states and three continents. Sheila will train children’s ministry leaders. Richard will train Free Methodist pastors across Asia in Inductive Bible Study Methodology through the Gethsemane Leadership Training (GLT) strategy. They will also raise financial support for church plants and motorcycles for Asian leaders.

“Some workers serve in countries that are considered creative access, countries in which the public proclamation of the gospel is restricted. Evangelistic efforts in these countries can pose dangers to one’s life, well-being or freedom.” Urbana for God’s Global Mission. For our Asia ministry partners, be sure to reference these guidelines for communicating about and with these ministries.

Download the Creative Access Guidelines

Kristen Marble

Asia ̶ VISA Voyager


Kristen is new to the FMWM-Asia team and will provide support and development for the Asia area as assigned by the Asia Area Director. Her additional assignments will include coaching and encouraging female leadership in Asia and joining the teaching team for Gethsemane Leadership Training.

For our Asia ministry partners, be sure to reference these guidelines for communicating about and with these ministries.

Download the Creative Access Guidelines

Eric & Virginia

Asia Area Director

As Asia Area director, Eric has three strategic priorities. He oversees the FMWM missionary team in Asia. He partners with national leaders to build support strategies that will help expand the church. And finally, he works to purposefully connect FMC-Asia with FMC-USA, building mutually beneficial partnerships and relationships.

“Some workers serve in countries that are considered creative access, countries in which the public proclamation of the gospel is restricted. Evangelistic efforts in these countries can pose dangers to one’s life, well-being or freedom.” Urbana for God’s Global Mission. For our Asia ministry partners, be sure to reference these guidelines for communicating about and with these ministries.

Download the Creative Access Guidelines