The River Conference of the Free Methodist Church

Book of Discipline 2019 (statement on churches supporting TRC)

5110. D. Financial Support

1. Annual conferences in the United States are expected to demonstrate fiscal viability by providing a workable budget, including a base remuneration for the superintendent that is appropriate for a church executive overseeing the number of direct reports and managing a budget the size the superintendent oversees. Each society shall contribute its proportion as adopted by the annual conference.

As stated in the Book of Discipline 2019, the annual conference sets the proportion of support. See Financial Expectation of TRC Churches below.

Book of Discipline 2019 (regarding the treasurer submitting receipts to FMC)

5140 A. The annual conference shall elect a treasurer who shall be bonded. In case of a vacancy the superintendent of the conference may appoint a treasurer to act until the next conference session. All funds due the General Church shall be remitted monthly. The general church treasurer shall, immediately after the conference session, notify the conference secretary of any deficit.

1. The annual conference shall require each society to remit a financial report of its receipts and expenditures. This report shall be published in the Yearbook.

Financial Expectations of TRC Churches:

TRC uses as very simple formula for determining tithe/ apportionment. We collect from all Societies / Churches a simple 10% Tithe. The 10% is fair-shared – 6.8% TRC and 3.2% FMCUSA.

The Tithe / Apportionment is collected in “real-time” based on the previous month’s total receipts. The 10% Tithe /Apportionment is calculated on all income, less pass throughs (Free Methodist World Missions, Capital Campaigns, and others on a case-by-case basis).

TRC submits the FMC Fair-shared monthly to FMC.

Society / churches are required to submit a monthly receipt report via TRC website by the 5th of the month and remit a check by the 25th of the month based on the report amount due). We will be moving to a system where a ACH transfer is implemented by the TRC later in November 2022.