Get to know your nominees. Below are the individuals submitted by TRC’s Nominating Committee for our open committee positions for the 2024-2025 Conference Year. All terms are for three years, unless stated differently.
Board of Directors

Frank Anderson (Lay Leader)
I’m the son of a Lutheran pastor, raised and educated in the Midwest. I met and married my wife, Jan, in college and she accompanied me through medical school, residency, four children (one in heaven), nine moves and 53 years of fun, tears, challenges and joys. With each move we looked for a church family that loves Jesus and each other. We’ve been in several denominations over the years and different cities, finding our way to First Free Methodist Church in Spokane when we moved here 6 years ago. I practiced Maternal-Fetal Medicine for over 30 years, then moved into administration and teaching and retired (mostly) in 2023. Along the way I’ve taught and practiced short-term in several countries. My passions include teaching, medical missions, particularly in Guatemala, scuba diving and fly fishing.
Ministerial Appointments Committee (MAC)

Frank Briggs (Elder)
Frank originates from Arizona where he received his undergraduate degree, followed by an MDiv. from Perkins School of Theology at SMU. He has pastored in three churches in the DFW metroplex covering 40 years, and currently serves at Lighthouse Fellowship in Fort Worth. He is married to Kris (Krissie) and has two sons who are married and four grandchildren who are all in Texas as well. In addition to being in love with Jesus and serving Him, Frank loves the mountains, college basketball (Go Wildcats), reading, stream fishing and hanging out with people.

Julie Gray (Elder)
Julie Gray has a life-long love for the Church, and a passion for the Bride of Christ to be a healthy instrument of transformation in the world. Her 30+ years of ministry in diverse and multi-cultural churches have expanded that passion to include people of every language, nation, tribe and race that will be gathered around the throne of God. Her education includes time at Central Christian College of Kansas, Seattle Pacific University, Fuller Theological Seminary, Free Methodist Ordination coursework, and a Certificate in Spiritual Transformation from the Transforming Center, in Wheaton, IL. Julie is currently Sr. Pastor at Phoenix Life Church, married to Marvin for 32 years, and loves to spend time visiting her kids and grandkids scattered across the country.

Jaaxhiel Tochez-Aquino (Lay)
Jaaxhiel E. Tochez-Aquino is a devoted member of the Free Methodist Church, with a rich spiritual journey spanning 34 years. Growing up in the vibrant metropolis of New York City, Jaaxhiel found solace and direction in her faith within the embrace of the Spanish Free Methodist Church of Manhattan, guided by the inspirational leadership of Reverend Jose & Vanessa Reyes.
Married for 26 years to her beloved husband Josue Aquino, Jaaxhiel has been blessed with three remarkable children, whom she cherishes dearly. Her commitment to serving her community and her church has been unwavering, as she has actively participated in various ministries, including youth and children’s outreach, both in New York City and Texas.
In Texas, Jaaxhiel has played a pivotal role in the establishment of a multicultural Free Methodist church, working alongside Pastors William and Marianne Pena. Currently, she finds fulfillment in her role as the leader of a Christian preschool in Houston, where she integrates a biblical curriculum to nurture young hearts and minds.
Throughout her journey, Jaaxhiel remains deeply grateful for the abundant blessings and mercy bestowed upon her by the Lord.
Ministerial Education & Guidance Board (MEG)

Ilias Baros (Lay Leader)
In 1987, Servant of God, Baros Elias, was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo and at the age of 6 years old, his parents fled the war that broke out in their country, so his parents fled to Tanzania and became refugees for nearly 22 years. Elias played soccer, was a good student in the class in Mathematics and History, Geography, Grammar, and Languages. He started primary school in 1997 and finished secondary school in 2010 in Nyarugusu Tanzania. He was a teacher at elementary school and did a lot of seminaries there in his youth. In 2020: Servant Baros Elias began to get ideas to open Free Methodist Church Dallas Texas, so the idea was completed, and helped found the Hosanna FM church sin Dallas. Elias is also the founder of The New Generation Gospel Band (NGGBC) Dallas Texas since June 2016.

Vanessa Chitwood (Elder)
After pursuing and practicing her dream of being a nurse for 20 years, Vanessa was surprised by God’s call on my life to vocational, pastoral ministry. She was ordained in the Free Methodist church in 2003 and served in the PNW conference. She served as Associate Pastor at Living Hope Christian Fellowship, Renton, WA, focusing on the music ministry and developing and growing small groups. In 2008 God called her to Mountain Creek Christian Fellowship where she began as Associate Pastor, focusing on beginning a small group ministry and leading worship. Vanessa moved into a Co-Pastor relationship and in 2013 became lead pastor. She was blessed to have benevolent male advocates to minister with and was encouraged to preach as often as I liked! She previously served on the PNW conference nominating committee and was able to coach two women through the ordination process. Vanessa recently finished a 3-year term on the Boise Regional MEG.
Vanessa and her husband came to the Treasure Valley of Idaho in 2019 and are active at Deer Flat Church. She is a Spiritual Director and serves in the counseling center. They are also active in the music ministry. “Giving ministry away” during this time in my life is truly wonderful and life-giving! She and her husband, Dennis, have been married for 44 years and have three grown children and three grandsons! They are their favorite hobby! They love to travel, entertain, and serve where needed.

Jeff Church (Lay Leader)
Jeff Church grew up on a family farm and attended a small Baptist church in Wilder and then attended Deer Flat Church from middle school through college. Following graduation from college he attended Bridgepoint Church in Boise and throughout his career worked as a political campaign manager, political consultant, press secretary, and as a business analyst and project manager. He and his wife Lauren and two children, Hadley and Nolan, now live in Parma and have attended Deer Flat Church since 2018. His education includes a B.A. in Business with an emphasis in Marketing from the College of Idaho and an M.A. in Technical Communication from Boise State University. He currently works as the manager of a family business, running his own small business, and a small family/hobby farm. He believes in the infallible written word of God and that salvation comes only from the sacrifice, shed blood, belief, and faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Timothy Greenawalt (Elder)
Timothy Greenawalt, has been in ministry for 43 years. He served as pastor in San Antonio, Texas for 15 years before moving to Rockwall in 1996. He is a graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary and enjoys coaching soccer and playing his guitar. Pastor Tim has been married to his ministry partner and wife, Talena, for 46 years. They have three adult children and eight grandchildren.

Celestin Kikuni (Elder)
Pastor Kikuni serves at Phoenix Life Church in Arizona as an Associate Pastor leading the African Ministries. Celestin has been faithfully serving this community for eight years.
Finance Team
There were no expiring positions on the Finance Team for the 2024-2025 Conference Year
Nominating Committee (1-Year Term)

Tedi Gonzalez (Lay Leader)
Tedi Gonzalez attends the Light & Life Chandler Free Methodist Church in Chandler, Arizona, and is married to Senior Pastor David Gonzalez. David and Tedi have one son, David Isaac. He too is actively involved in the community and serves as a worship leader at Chandler Light and Life. Tedi is an Academic Advisor for Smart Schools International where she brings her many years of experience working with young people. She is passionate about helping students succeed, and is blessed to support students all over the world to obtain their High School Diploma.

Julie Gray (Elder)
Julie Gray has a life-long love for the Church, and a passion for the Bride of Christ to be a healthy instrument of transformation in the world. Her 30+ years of ministry in diverse and multi-cultural churches have expanded that passion to include people of every language, nation, tribe and race that will be gathered around the throne of God. Her education includes time at Central Christian College of Kansas, Seattle Pacific University, Fuller Theological Seminary, Free Methodist Ordination coursework, and a Certificate in Spiritual Transformation from the Transforming Center, in Wheaton, IL. Julie is currently Sr. Pastor at Phoenix Life Church, married to Marvin for 32 years, and loves to spend time visiting her kids and grandkids scattered across the country.

Mike Kreuch (Lay Leader)
Mike Kreuch is a retired school teacher born and raised in Spokane, Washington. He has attended First Free Methodist Church for 50 years, holding numerous leadership positions within the church. He has also been active in Columbia River Conference programs. He has served as lay delegate in both the CRC and River Conference. His history with the northern churches and knowledge of its members will be useful in finding qualified persons to fill upcoming conference leadership positions. Mike has been married to his wife, Debbie, for 48 years. He has two children and four grandchildren.

James Leman (Elder)
James grew up a missionary kid on a Indian Reservation in eastern Montana. This childhood helped shape his worldview and his desire to see people come to a life-changing knowledge of Jesus. He felt called into full-time pastoral ministry as a freshman in college, but it took another eight years for him to end up in a church setting. He is excited about pushing and challenging people to order their entire lives around Jesus Christ. His heartbeat is connecting those who currently know and passionately worship Christ, and those who are willing to live in authentic community, with those who have not yet had their lives transformed by Jesus. James is also passionate about his family. He’s been married to Abby since 1999. They are blessed with two sons, Sam and JJ.

John McGee (Lay Leader)
John is a marketing and public relations professional He serves as a Board Member of Deer Flat Church, Love Caldwell and served as the Chairman of the Downtown Caldwell Organization. He served as the Chairman of the Canyon County Republican Party Central Committee and on the Board of Directors of the 2009 International Special Olympics. John served his alma mater, the College of Idaho, as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. McGee was elected to the Idaho State Legis-lature from 2005 to 2011. As the youngest member of the Senate, McGee was consid-ered a strong advocate for improving Idaho’s infra-structure and growing a strong economy. John was the Majority Caucus Chair-man, the 4th-ranked leadership position in the Idaho Senate, and spent two terms as Chairman of the Senate Transportation Com-mittee. A life-long resident of Caldwell, he and his wife, Hanna, have a daughter, Madalyn and son, Maxwell.

William Pena (Elder)
William Peña, originally from Santiago, Dominican Republic, holds a BA in Physical Therapy from PUCMM. After relocating to Miami, Florida in 2006, he immersed himself in various roles within the church, serving as a worship leader, youth pastor, and eventually becoming a senior pastor. In 2022, alongside his wife Marianne and their three boys, he ventured to Houston, TX to plant Essential Life Church. Today, William dedicates his time to coaching younger pastors and church planters while also contributing to Conexión Latina of the FMC.

Rick Snodgrass (Elder)
Rick has planted, pastored, and mentored pastors for over 35 years. He mentored Conference Superintendents, and as Assistant Superintendent, mentored 17 pastors in the PNW Conference as well as many others outside the denomination. He and his wife Patti planted churches in Vallejo CA, Redmond WA, Mt. Vernon WA, and Nampa, ID. They live Granbury Texas where Rick serves as North Texas Regional Leader, and serves the River Conference as Director of Church Planting and Multiplication. Rick serves on the board of ImpactX, a multiplication movement where he has coached and mentored several micro church and impact community leaders. Rick also coaches business owners and CEOs in organizational health as a way staying connected to the secular market place where the voice of Jesus needs to be heard. He works hard every day to walk out his life purpose to, “be living proof of a loving God to a watching world”. Ricks primary educational in-fluences were Northwest Nazarene, Seattle Pacific, Western Evangelical Seminary, Regent and Fuller. Rick and Patti have been married for 43 years, have three sons who are married and serving Jesus and have been blessed with 9 grandchildren.

Heather Utley (Elder)
Born and raised in east Ohio, Heather relocated to Washington in 2004 to minister with Youth Dynamics, a parachurch non-profit ministry. In 2012, Heather responded to God’s call to pastoral ministry, serving seven years in FM churches in Washington, first at Arlington FMC and then at Seattle’s First FMC. She holds a BA from Taylor University and an MDiv from Seattle Pacific Seminary. In 2019, she and her husband/co-pastor, Clay, and their two sons relocated to San Antonio, TX to plant Tapestry Church, where she also works co-vocationally as a communications freelancer for FMCUSA, The River Conference, and Wesleyan Holiness Women Clergy.
Secretary/Treasurer (1-Year Term)

Deb Baggett (Lay Leader)
Deb serves as Conference Administrator & Secretary/Treasurer. She graduated from the University of Wyoming with a B.S. degree in Management Information Systems in 1986. Immediately after college she began working in the financial industry. She held several security licenses and eventually became the Director of Marketing of a Denver-based financial advisory firm. After over a decade in that industry, Deb resigned to be with her two boys to help them navigate their way through middle and high school. She became a career volunteer at that point. Deb served as the President of the Green Mountain High School Football Boosters for three years, then shifted her efforts to Denver School of the Arts and volunteered in their theater program. Deb also served as Treasurer of River Church in Lakewood, CO for eight years. She grew up in the church and gave her life to Jesus as a young person. Deb loves to serve the Lord and now has the privilege of working as The River Conference’s Administrator. Deb and her husband John enjoy living in Wyoming and all that it has to offer. They love to hike the mountains with their dog and are avid travelers. Their oldest son, Joseph, is an Army Airborne Ranger and their youngest son, Alex, is an actor and lives in The Hague, Holland with his beautiful wife Sophie.