- The latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order will be the basis for parliamentary procedure.
- The Bar of the Conference shall be the Annual Conference meeting room. Delegates and guests are invited to sit together to build a spirit of fellowship and cooperation. The Secretary of the Annual Conference will review and certify all delegates’ credentials and report same to the Annual Conference. The Secretary will report to the Chair of the Annual Conference that all delegates have registered. When voting is required, the Chair will ensure guests who are not registered delegates, but sitting within the Bar, to refrain from voting.
- An agenda will be adopted as a guide to annual conference sittings. This agenda and all other related documents, read ahead packages, reports and ballots will be placed online on TRC website or sent to each church electronically. Paper copies of the agenda will be made available at Annual Conference.
- The Secretary of the Annual Conference will take roll by inspection, sign-in sheet, or online registration and presence.
- Honorary seats in the Annual Conference are automatically granted to the following persons when they are not already voting members: TRC conference ministerial candidates, licensed pastors, pastors and lay representatives from conference-organized church plants and fellowships, chairs of conference committees, members of the TRC Board, visiting missionaries, visiting personnel representing Free Methodist organizations, and the secretary of the Annual Conference.
- Assistant Secretaries and tellers will be appointed by and report to the Secretary.
- Voting will be conducted by verbal, hand or ballot voting as required by or directed by the chair. When voting is conducted electronically, the chair will initiate the voting. Each ballot will be identified with the voter’s name, church and delegate status. Voting will conclude seven days after the beginning of voting. The Conference Secretary will review and tally the vote count and report the results to the presiding officer (bishop or appointed chair), who will report the results to the Annual Conference.
- Correspondence impacting the Annual Conference agenda, actions or schedule is to be submitted to the secretary of the Annual Conference who will refer it to the chair.
- All motions should be provided in writing to the conference secretary. Motion makers may have no more than three minutes to present the motion and address its rationale. Debate following any motion on the floor will be limited to three minutes per speaker alternating between those speaking in favor and those speaking against the motion.
- All visiting speakers shall have a maximum of four minutes for their presentation unless coordinated in advance with the chair.
- The Board will be authorized to transact any business overlooked by the Annual Conference, fill all vacancies on boards and committees, and act as the Executive Committee of the conference as authorized by the latest edition of the Book of Discipline.
- The minutes of the Annual Conference will be referred to the Board of Directors for review and approval.
- Permission to speak will be requested by the raised hand and acknowledged by the chair. All speakers will stand when addressing the chair and the conference.
- The Superintendent Selection Committee will be formed in accordance with paragraph A/581 of the Book of Discipline, in the last year of the Superintendent’s term.
- The Superintendent is an ex-officio member of all boards and committees except the Superintendent Selection Committee.
- The time and place of the next Annual Conference and the approval of the annual budget shall be referred to the Board for consideration at their fall meeting unless the Annual Conference amends such actions and process.
- In the event of a national crisis or pandemic, the Conference Superintendent(s), with the approval of the Area Bishop and the Conference Board of Directors, has the authority to postpone or cancel the Annual Conference or make the necessary arrangements for the Annual Conference to meet virtually.
- When the conference adjourns, it will adjourn to meet at the call of the chair.