The River Conference of the Free Methodist Church

Boards & Committees

Elected Board

Board of Directors

The conference Board of Directors shall give strategic planning attention to such ministries as world missions, Christian discipleship, church planting and social action. It may assign individuals, form task forces and create standing committees to carry out the ministries deemed appropriate for the health and growth of the church.

Supt. Michael Traylor (E)

Supt. Michael Traylor (E)


Asst. Supt. Amelia Cleveland-Traylor (E)

Asst. Supt. Amelia Cleveland-Traylor (E)


Deb Baggett (L)

Deb Baggett (L)


Frank Anderson (L)

Frank Anderson (L)

Dan Bonney (E)

Dan Bonney (E)

David Gonzalez (E)

David Gonzalez (E)

John McGee (L)

John McGee (L)

Ali Mitachi (E)

Ali Mitachi (E)

Paul Bull (L)

Paul Bull (L)

Calia Rodriguez (E)

Calia Rodriguez (E)

Rick Snodgrass (E)

Rick Snodgrass (E)

Kathi Terrell (E)

Kathi Terrell (E)

Elected Board

Ministerial & Educational Guidance (MEG) Board

The Ministerial Education and Guidance Board (MEG) shall assist in recruiting personnel and shall be responsible to screen candidates for reception into the conference and/or for ordination. The board, in consultation with the assigned bishop, is the authority on the meeting of the standard criteria for ordination. The board shall guide and counsel those who are received so that they may be able to meet the demands of pastoral ministry. The board shall develop and oversee a mentoring program that provides qualified mentors to assist new pastors in personal, spiritual and professional growth. The board shall identify potential church planters among current pastoral personnel and new recruits. The board shall set policies for the care of pastors.

Jose Segura (E)

John McGee (L)
MEG coordinator

Michael Traylor (E)

Elias Baros (L)
North Texas District
Vanessa Chitwood (E)
Boise District

Bobby Cullen (L)
North Texas District

Tedi Gonzalez (L)
Arizona District

Tim Greenawalt (E)
North Texas District

Kyle Greenwood (E)
Colorado District

Celestin Kikuni (E)
Arizona District

Brenda Nagunst (E)
Spokane District

Elected Committee

Ministerial Appointments Committee (MAC)

The Ministerial Appointment Committee (MAC) appoints pastors for an indefinite tenure. The committee monitors progress and makes changes at each annual conference when deemed necessary and initiates church planting appointments.

2024 Members: Frank Briggs (E), Julie Gray (E), Talena Greenawalt (L), James Leman (E), Patti Snodgrass (L), Jaaxhiel Tochez-Aquino (L), Supt. Michael Traylor (E), Bishop Kenny Martin (E)
Elected Committee

Finance Team

The Finance Team has the responsibility to create and supervise the conference budget. It shall assist the superintendent in stewardship education and the promotion of United Ministries for Christ throughout the conference.

2024 Members: Deb Baggett (TRC Treasurer), Bobby Cullen (L), Rick Day (L), Asst. Supt. Amelia Cleveland-Traylor, Chair (E), Marla Hamilton (L), Magda Ruano (E), Bob Terrell (E), Supt. Michael Traylor (E)
Elected Committee

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee shall prepare for the annual conference a list of nominations for positions vacated by either resignations or expiration of terms; and review board and committee memberships in light of the standing rules of the annual conference.

2024 Members: Tedi Gonzalez (L), Julie Gray (E), Mike Kreuch (L), James Leman (E), John McGee (L), Will Pena (E), Rick Snodgrass (E), Supt. Michael Traylor (E), Heather Utley (E)
Selected Team

Property Team

The Property Team is a specialized team to address property evaluations / inspections, processes associated with new builds / remodels, & skills associated with planning and design related to property.  Approval for any new acquisition and construction begins with the property team and includes the finance team.  The policies and procedures outlined in the current Book of Discipline and best practices associated with the Free Methodist Foundation inform and direct the property team during its evaluation process to the loan application.

2024 Members: Asst. Supt. Amelia Cleveland-Traylor, Chair (E), David Gonzalez (E), Bob Terrell (E), Curt Krantz (L)
Elected Representatives

General Conference Delegates

The General Conference has general organizational, legislative, judicial, promotional and supervisory powers over the activities of the Free Methodist Church USA. The General Conference is composed of an equal number of ministerial and lay delegates elected by each annual conference. The superintendent serves as the first ministerial delegate of the conference by virtue of office. Additional ministerial delegates are elected by ballot. The next general conference will meet in Orlando, Florida in July 2023.


Supt. Michael Traylor, Chair

Amelia Cleveland-Traylor

Mark W Douglas

James Leman

Magda Ruano

Ali Mitachi (Reserve)

Heather Baker Utley (Reserve)

Lay Leaders

Tim Auw

Deb Baggett

Tedi Gonzalez

John McGee

Vall Messerall

Fani Lopez (Reserve)

Marie Wamukika (Reserve)

Note: Boards and Committees are comprised of both Elders (E) and Lay Leaders (L).




Boards &