- Copy of the current mission statement along with Vision, Goals, and Strategics in place.
- The official membership book in which all entries and addresses arc up-to-date in each category.
- A complete list of all officers, leaders, membership of boards and/or committees, teachers, lay ministers and Local Ministerial Candidates of the church with terms of office where applicable.
- Sample of the Sunday bulletin and weekly/monthly emails or mailers.
- Church Calendar
- Copy of minutes of meetings of all major boards and committees covering the past six months.
- A list of all special events already scheduled.
- Sample packet of materials being used in advertising, visitation, evangelism, disciple making, small group ministry, etc.
- Copy of the current budget and the most recent audit (if available).
- EIN Document
- 501(c)3 Documentation
- Articles of Incorporation
- By-Laws
- Certificate of Insurance
- List of persons responsible for all buildings and grounds and related operations.
- Tips on the physical aspects of both the church and parsonage or the person you need to contact for this information. (For example, the location offuse boxes, hard-to-find switches).
- (If applicable) Explain how parsonage utilities function: Arc deposits necessary? ls sewer cost included in the water bill? Time and cost of garbage pickup, etc.
- Location oflabclcd keys to doors, closets, PA system, instruments, church vehicles, etc.
- Record of where all deeds, insurance policies, incorporation papers and other documents arc kept.
- Record of contractual agrccmcnts,job descriptions, evaluations and salary scale for all employed staff persons.
- Recommendation of best places to shop and the location of a reliable auto repair garage.
- Information on how the pastor’s salary is paid.
- Referrals to competent health care professionals, i.e. doctor, dentist, and optometrist.
- Explain any variations from the Conference Guidelines for vacation and/or time-away.
- A list of individuals being followed up on for outreach or pastoral care.
- Church directory or list of all families noting their occupation, place of employment, and names and ages of children.
- Church family contact/outreach lists with appropriate notations.
- List of community agencies ( counseling, food pantry, etc) with whom the church maintains a relationship; especially those to which referrals arc made.
- List of area ministers with whom the pastor works, along with time and place of ministerial association mecti ngs and any comm unity and/or joint services.