The River Conference Superintendent Nominating Committee Announcement
On behalf of TRC Superintendent Nominating Committee, I’m pleased to let you know that Supt. Michael Traylor has been nominated to serve a 4-year term as TRC Superintendent. Supt. Amelia made the decision to involve herself in Christian community activism/advocacy while continuing to serve as the River Conference MEG board chair.
Our Free Methodist Book of Discipline outlines the process for superintendent nomination. The Superintendent Nominating Committee presents one name to the Annual Conference for a simple yes/no vote. The election for Supt. Michael will take place via an online vote before TRC Annual Conference.
In our dialogue with Supt. Michael about continuing as the sole TRC Superintendent, we discussed the importance of having someone who could shoulder much of the administrative load that naturally comes with a conference the size and scope of TRC. He made these comments to the committee:
I want to focus on generative ministries. Leadership development and mobilization, church planting and expansion, strategic initiatives. In our current structures, it would mean coaching leaders, recruiting leaders, doing church based assessments, equipping or LGL (Life-giving Leadership) initiatives. I don’t want to chair the board, oversee the legal and organizational management. I need to be part of all of those things but its oversight takes up a majority of my time. I am trying to figure out what needs to give in order to be generative as that is life giving and sustainable. I am happy to oversee MEG and MAC as it pertains to leadership development.
I discussed these comments from Supt. Michael with the Supt. Nominating Committee and with TRC Board of Directors. We were all in agreement with Supt. Traylor’s desire to lead TRC from these strategic points. We believe this intentional direction and focus of Supt. Michael will help TRC to grow and thrive while continuing the vital connection with TRC pastors, churches, and leaders.
An expanded role of Assistant Superintendent was developed and approved by Supt. Michael, in consultation with the Board of Directors, that provides significant oversight over administrative, legal, and operational functions of the conference, allowing Supt. Michael to focus on leadership development, mission alignment, vision casting, and church growth initiatives.
We congratulate Supt. Michael on his nomination for another term as TRC Superintendent and know you join us in expressing our appreciation to Supt. Amelia for her outstanding service as Co Superintendent during these last four years. Thank you!
In Christ,
Bishop Matt Whitehead
for the Superintendent Nominating Committee:
Mark Douglas
James Ford
Tedi Gonzales
Julie Gray
James Leman
John McGee
Dave McGarrah
Ali Mitachi